Friday, May 9, 2014


Joy!!  Something the world needs.  However, so often I look around and there seems to an absence of it!  I wonder if we were to go back in time if we would find more of it in the years gone past?  Life today is busy and sometimes in all the busyness I can lose my joy!  It's still there, just kinda gets tucked away while I am changing diapers, somewhat folding my laundry, and disciplining my children after an afternoon of chaos.
So joy, if you are in me, then how do I keep you on the forefront of my day! One way I have found is by creating.  Taking time to create and having a paint brush in my hand seems to lift my spirit and makes me feel alive.  Especially when I am venturing into something new.  Making up ridiculous stories that make no sense and picturing them in my head seems to bring a lot of joy to my heart.  I love to watch my kids do silly things and it seems to activate joy throughout our home.  So why don't us adults do the same?  Why not dance around the house like a little child and sing at the top of your lungs (completely off key I will add).  Just try going in your backyard and run as fast as you can screaming.  Tell me that dosen't bring a smile to your face.  OK, everyone else may think you're crazy, but just watch and see how joy can spread!
I realize that some times in life are not very joyful and it can be very difficult to have joy in times of trials.  But I do believe it is still there.
Even though I find joy from creating, I have to say what really brings joy to my heart is people.  Sometimes it can be a struggle to find time for others, but people are so worth having time for.  Nothing brings me more joy then knowing I have helped someone.  I love when I can use my creativety to bring joy into someone's life.  Whether it be through a picture I have painted, or a story that I have told.
So I am writing this today as reminder about what really brings me joy!  And even through all the busyness what it is that really matters.

Dancing around with my daughter with CLEAN underwear on our heads seem to bring joy to us!
Steve finding joy during his time of creating!

This is a painting I took from a doodle.  It is silly and really makes no sense but something in it brings joy to my heart

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