Tuesday, June 3, 2014


This is a doodle that I did one morning.  I stood back and looked at it and what I saw was a little person trying to find balance from a lot of balls hanging off of them.

Life is busy!  There is always a list of things to do or things waiting to be done.  I personally find it really difficult to balance all the things that need to be done in a month, week, or even a day.  I have come to realize that I actually prefer to have little notice when asked to do something.  It seems even if I am asked to do something with months notice, I don't really end up preparing for it till last minute.  I get more stressed out knowing I have lots of time to prepare, than if I just do it on the fly (maybe because I don't have time to think about it).  So with that being said I am totallly anticipating having things dropped on me last minute!

I have found with trying to keep the house in order,  homeschooling,  and starting a creative business,  I really do need balance.  I have been desperately trying to find that balance but let's just say, if you could see me, you would see someone that seems to be falling off the balancing beam every day!  In thinking about balance,  I realized there are three things involved: work, rest, and play.  Three key ingredients I believe that are needed in the equation of balance.

As much as I want lots of play and some rest, I really find work seems to crowd those out.  It really doesn't make sense to me since work is the less desired one of the three.  I used to work all the time, and then would leave a job and travel for months at a time.  That was my way of dealing with the unbalanced life I was leading.  But after having three kids, that really wasn't much of an option for me.  So here I am trying to bring the three into a balanced lifestyle.

Rest:  Without it I get burned out and have a hard time continuing working well.  I notice that I seem to get overwhelmed easier and much more aggravated (that could be what is happening today).  I tend to fall into striving when I am not well rested, which then leads to a lack of inspiration and the creative juices come to an halt!  Rest gives me new vision, peace, and strength.  My energy is renewed and the pressures of life seem to fall away,

Play:  It brings refreshment to my soul! Laughter to my heart.  So often during these times of play I get really inspired creatively.  My eyes are opened to things I don't always see, and the grumpy bugs seem to leave me alone!  It brings out my childlikeness again and makes me feel free of the worries of life.  In all of that my heart seems to soften!  I know when there is a shortage of play I seem to get hard hearted and too serious!

Work:  It seems like a negative word, but I am learning that it dosesn't have to be!  Especialy if you are working at something you love.  For me, working on a children's book or painting really doesn't feel like work because I enjoy it!  The benefits of working hard and having a sense of achievement outweigh the actual work.  Enjoying the work of your  hands and having others also take pleasure in what you do brings so much satisfaction.  Plus there is always the practical part of working...the payment!  I have come to realize that having these three things in balance makes for great creative times in my life!  So, here I sit, asking myself if I am willing to give up some of one, to bring more of another.  Having rest and play in a balanced life will also mean less time to work.  So the real question for me is this:  can I let go of how much I think I need to get done?  I'm sure taking a holiday away can answer that question for me!!

Working on new ideas!

Refreshing!!  So refreshing!

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