Friday, April 18, 2014

Anna-Grace: Mission No More White Walls

As I am sure any mom can relate to, there are times in a day when you just long for some peace and quiet.  Having three kids at home, I find there is no lack of noise.  I try to encourage creativity and fun as much as I can, however it often comes with a volume that is off the scale.  So this particular day I wasn't bothered by the lack of noise that was happening in my house.

Now as most mom's would agree, a quiet house with three little ones, should set an inner alarm off.  But instead, I went into overdrive and thought I would begin to multi-task, and I kinda got lost in the moment, only to look up and see that Anna was on a mission:  a marker mission.  Not washable markers I might add (which I have since purchased by the dozens).  This was no undercover mission, as there she was in her everyday wear (diaper, t-shirt, and leotards) with markers in hand, taking out the white wall in my kitchen.  Glancing over at what she was doing, I gasped and yelled, "ANNA"!!!  I kinda had mixed emotions because I was liking the creativity that was coming out of her.  However, the words of my husband were ringing in my ears, "No more paint in the kitchen!", as he took great pride in his nice freshly painted white walls.

She must have enjoyed herself, because since then, she has also tackled missions doorway, bathroom wall, and window ledges.  She doesn't cover her tracks very well through because she always leaves a trail of uncapped markers behind her!  At least paint has not ended up on the walls!  Surprisingly, she likes to keep that on her fingers.  I think it may be time for mission removal:  all art supplies to the studio!

Anna's attempt to bring colour to the walls!

Finger painting
Notice the word washable!!

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