Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Art of Passing Creativity On!

Pass the paint.  It's time to pass on some creativity!
Did you know that you are creative?  Yes you!  Perhaps you already knew that, but maybe some of you never saw yourself as creative.  I believe that everyone is creative.  It just looks very different from one person to the next.  I have come to realize that creativity is like any other talent and it is something that grows and develops the more you use it.  I find that many people want to do something creatively but often don't know where to start!  So I feel that as a person who loves to create, I can help create opportunities to do so.

When I first started painting, it really was about me and me learning and painting in my little corner. However, as I developed more of that ability, I soon realized that I needed to share what I have learned with others so they too can have an opportunity to develop what is inside of them.  I am by no means an expert and there are always people that are more advanced in their abilities than I am, but there are always people that are less advanced as well.  So in helping others, I start at the likely place of helping those with less experience and ability.  This can change in a hurry, as I have found that some people just need a starting place and in only a short time are beyond my ability!  This sometimes can be a test of the heart as you watch others goes beyond you!  However, I do believe that we should encourage this!  I take it as a great honour to be able to impart what I have to someone to only see them go beyond me!  Who knows the creative destiny that may be awaiting them!
The joy of collaborating together teaches us so much!  Lucy and I are working on a heart.  I love mixing our styles together.
I recently got asked to attend my friend Rachael's business, Social Art!  It is a business where anyone can come out and paint.  They receive step by step instruction from Rachael and at the end of the night they have a masterpiece!  The setting in which this takes place is in a restaurant where you are able to order food or drinks.  It really is a great night out!  I looked around as I saw a variety of people out for the event.  Some older, some young.  Both men and women.  Some had never painted before while others had more experience!  But what I loved about the night was that Rachael was taking her gifting and ability and using it to bless others.  She was taking the time to impart what she has learned over the years to others.  It was really amazing to see as so many left encouraged and I believe even wowed at what they had painted!  All they needed was an opportunity!  I know for myself, one painting leads to another!
Rachael and I at one of her events.
I realize not everyone is a teacher or likes speaking in large groups, but the point is  to pass on the gift of creativity.  When I first was introduced to paint it was by a lady in South Africa who had been fabric painting.  She invited me into her home and shared all of her paints and supplies with me.  She gave me an opportunity.  It wasn't so much about imparting what she had learned to me as much as it was about imparting the resources and materials she had.  It was the beginning of my creative journey.
Kristyn has been a great helper by passing on creativity with kids in my art class.
As important as it is to pass on creativity, it is also important to keep receiving creativity.  So as you give out, make sure you also find people that you too can learn from as well.  That may be through online tutorials, lessons, or just watching those that have gone before you!  Do it so that you can keep growing in your ability to impart and bless the world in a greater way!

Happy creating, and remember...YOU ARE CREATIVE!


The kids learn from one another as they create together!

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