Friday, July 11, 2014

Taking Time At the Lake

Sitting with Papa learning how to fish
There is something about getting away form your regular routine and surroundings that just does you good!  So after a short time away from our home I am feeling encouraged, refreshed and much more relaxed.  Sigh!  It's been about time. An invitation to the family cottage took us on a little road trip in a different direction from the RV for a few days.  More packing and sorting and I managed to jam into our small overcrowed car a few art projects with me (mainly the book), and once again way too many clothes.  I planned on trying to find balance between work and relaxing and fun!  My on-going battle. Even though I did do some work I found that the time at the cottage was a time to take and relax as we enjoyed time with the kids and family. We had the joy of going through some really nice art galleries and I felt inspired!  This is a favourite pass-time of mine and combined with the morning prayer walks on the beach and three smiling little kids splashing in the water, I was in a happy place.

Treasures from the beach!

Wild Flowers
This collection of shells kept the kids occupied for a few hours.  They already have big plans for them involving glue, paint, and most definitely glitter!
Roasting marshmallows over a hot fire!
I am not much of a reader (except for children's picture books), but this week up at the lake I packed a book that I haven't read in years and I am so glad I did.  The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson!  It has been exactly what I have needed.  It tells a story of  a man name Ordinary who is unhappy living in the land of familiar, doing his usual job everyday.  A feather is left for him from the dream giver and he realizes he has been given a dream.  To sum it up, he makes the choice to pursue the dream and you begin to go on a journey with him as he faces the ups and downs of stepping into a dream.  I seemed to relate to so much in the book and felt encouraged when I came to the chapter called wasteland.  I think it's easy to feel like what you are doing is a waste of time when you don't see much happening, or just a little trickle here or there.  But I soon realized it is in the wasteland that what you believe is really tested and your character is truly built.  You make the choice to keep going or to turn back.  Thankfully, wasteland is only one land that you go through and after walking through it there is a brighter land in site.  So I personally make the choice in my heart to keep going and keep pursuing my dream, enjoying the journey on the way and realizing nothing is truly wasted.

The BIG hill! The climb upward felt like the climb to the dream. 

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