Saturday, July 5, 2014

Hello RV

Good morning camping life!  Time to fire up the Coleman stove and cook a camp breakfast!

Well, we have made it through the first night here at the RV. Was it an easy night?  Not exactly!  But it was what I had expected!  Screaming kids, lots of work, and very little sleep.  Sounds like we are living the dream!  I remind myself that no dream is without a little sweat and tears.  The cleaning, organizing, and painting has begun!  With an unloaded van and a now loaded down RV, we are faced with the joy of  renovating and making this RV our own.  Oh the things that we can do!  I can't wait to really break open the fabric paint and begin with the textiles!
For now we start with the not so pleasant things like the cutting the edges with the paint, pulling off old fabrics, and scrubbing the floor.

Floor, I have big plans for you and it isn't this!
The Painting continues.  One coat is never enough ahhhh!!
Lucy taking what she can find (colouring book pages) and creating dresses!  I love it! 
Nature's mixed media: sticks, leaves, and glue! Who needs crayons!
Time of refreshing after a hot day!
Lucy's interptation of the beach: orange seagull and colourful jumping fish.
I am enjoying watching the kids here in the very short time we have been here.  Yes, the first few hours and first day was a little crazy.  The kids behaviour was less then perfect.  Much LESS!  However, I have noticed that they are beginning to adapt to what is around them.  I love the way that Lucy has been creating from the things that are around her and making use of them.  At home it is so easy to just grab what you need and use it.  Here we are limited in resources and are forced to be more creative in many ways.  That goes for the RV as well.  There is so much more I want to do, but again it is about using what is in our hands.  Yes, it would be amazing to have a brand new RV that is all done up.  But we would miss so much of what we can do with something that is a little banged up and in need of a little TLC.  Is it worth putting the time into?  I believe so or we wouldn't be doing it.  It kind of reminds me of people.  Sometimes there are people that come into our lives that are in need of a lot of TLC!  They really have been banged up.  When you give someone or something some time, love, and care,  you have the joy of seeing all the potential that is laying there just waiting to come out.  So we continue doing some of the not so pleasant work right now, with a vision of a masterpiece in our hearts and enjoying the journey as I know there is much we are going to learn and experience up here at the RV (aka: The Champ).

This ends another day.

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