Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Reality Strikes

I awoke this morning to the tapping of rain on the RV.  Yep, a campers dream... rain!  Last week we were at the lake in a cottage living in what seems like luxery now as I am faced with the reality of living in an RV. with three little kids.  Oh the fun of racing through the trees in the middle of the night to get to the camp bathroom while dodging the glowing eyes (did I mention I have a fear of mostly all animals), the boiling of water in order to have hot water, the living out of a bin of rolled up clothing, and the multiple mosquitoe bites that keep little Anna scratching and screaming most of the night.

Knowing we are here for the summer has hit me with a bit of culture shock today.  I am sure in a day or two I will get over it.  Don't get me wrong, I really love it up here and I will admit I kind of did wake up on the wrong side of the bed (especially since my son had taken my side).  I took a drive into the small town we are staying in and was overwhelmed by how friendly the people are!  I found an art store/gallery (hello art supplies). I felt so at home as I also found out that they are having art/music in the park this weekend, which I will be participating in.

Here at the camp I managed to find a little nook to create in.  It really is a perfact spot although I'm not sure if I can use it the whole time we are up here.  But for now I have laid out my material that Steve has so amazingly sewed into curtains!  Did I mention that my husband has a hidden gift?  He can sew. So for now he is my seamstress.  I'm not sure what the male term for that is... Mr. seamstress?

I had a great afternoon experementing with fabric markers, fabric paint, and fabric spray paint.  I must say that there is no fabric paint like the stuff I used in South Africa! I'm in need of a shipment of that.  I love how my curatins are taking shape with lots of funtastical designs and colours.  They really are one of a kind.  They will take hours of work but I am enjoying it and hoping to finish the first panel tomorrow (unless the beach calls our names).  Hmmm tomorrow's forecast... rain!

As for the progress on the RV, the painting is done!  Yay!! Approximately 20 hours of Steve painting... well mostly cutting!  Wow, who would have thought such a little space could take so long.  Next step is the curtains because right now there are none and the sun rises around 6:00 a.m.  Not to mention I am tired of changing behind the closet door.  Little by little we are getting there!

Living out of a box.

My little helper likes doing dishes outside.

                                                                      Mr. Seamstress discovering his fine ability.

The rainy day craft box.

I have given up trying to keep my supplies away from the kids as they love to get into them.

The nook here at the camp.  It's a perfect place to paint.

Getting my inspiration from my doodles and designing curtains.

Combination of fabric markers and fabric paint.

FUN! Bbut this is time consuming!


  1. Love it! Miss you already :( BUT I know you'll have a GREAT summer!

  2. I think Steve should be called a seamster

  3. You should see if ikea would take your design ideas. It might be cool for their kids collection !

  4. My goodness Trish, you guys have an amazing family! Looks like an incredible time!
