Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Our Dream of the Children's Book Is Almost a Reality

 After a long drawn out time, the children's book is finally ready to go to the printers.  As I have mentioned on past blogs, I have had a dream to write a children's book for some time.  It's one of those things that once you get into it, you realize it's a ton of work. You may have had the idea for the story, but then coming up with the illustrations was another story all together.

After doing all the illustrations a few times over you then have to put the whole thing together so it flows.  Wow that wasn't my thing. Thank goodness for my musical husband who rhymed the whole story and made it flow.  Then the on-going task of trying to find a printer.  There are so many printers out there!  But finding a good one who is willing to print hard copy books for a reasonable price wasn't all that easy.  Eventually it does all come together, but then you are faced with the bill to pay for it all and in faith pray that your book will sell.  As much work as all this sounds it was a good experience that I will do again!!!  Wow I can't believe I am saying that but I do have another book in the works!  As long as I am doodling there will be books because that is where it all begins for me.  In one simple doodle lays the beginning of a story, a character, a place, an event....and it all begins to flow into a bigger picture.

My desire is to encourage those of you who also have a dream to write a book!  Take the plunge and begin.   Walk into your creative calling and create out of what is inside of you.  You have something in you that needs to be released to the world and because you are unique there will never be a carbon copy of what you create!  It's uniquely yours!  Maybe it's not a book you desire to write but something in you creatively is stirring?  Begin exploring through different mediums like paint, clay, sketching, food... see what comes out of you.  I promise if you create from what is inside and not from what someone else has created, it will be like nothing else.  Take the time to let it be released out of you.

Below is our campaign.   We hope you enjoy the video!  Check out our perks and thank you for tuning in!!!!

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