Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Vlog: Memories of France

OK, so on today's blog I thought I would try doing a vlog for something new!!! I got a new idea!! Along with all of my paintings and other creative things, I would like to add a new recipe from around the world.  I spent a lot of time when I was younger travelling to many different lands (I think around 35 countries). I desperately miss travelling and though I wouldn't change having kids for anything, it has changed my lifestyle in a Big way.  So once a week I will be doing a recipe from one of the lands that I have travelled as well as other creative blog entries.  As you will see, my video is done very much like I had travelled... by the seat of my pants.  So this week's land is France.  I had spent one year living in Paris as an au pair and was there on a mission to learn french.  As you will see from my video, my french is very rusty!  My time in France was very memorable and I will list some noteworthy things!

1. Most significant moment: Praying in McDonalds (I ate only in the finest restaurants LOL) with some missionaries and gave my heart to Jesus.  I was completely changed from that moment on and haven't been the same since.   I received peace of mind like I had never had before and it thankfully  led to a complete new direction for my life!

2. Favourite site to see: Sacre-Coeur.  I loved the view.  You could see so much of Paris, and behind it was quaint streets filled with french music and artists painting.

3. Craziest thing said to me: I was approached by a man while walking down the street in Paris.  He began to rhyme off all kinds of different dances.  I looked at him with a very blank look on my face and he finally asked me, "which dance do you do? Your a dancer no?"  I said "me????" (I have been known for my lack of coordination...if any at all!) He didn't believe me when I said I am not a dancer and gave me his card anyways.  He owned a dance academy in Paris and wanted me to come.  I never went.  I think I may have missed my calling!

4.Something I will never forget: Dodging dog poop everyday!  The streets were covered with bombs!  Everyone had a french poodle and they didn't have the poop and scoop law in effect!  I think they do now!  The unforgettable moment of stepping in one of those bombs!!

5. Learning the French culture: I had a few slip ups!  Ok more then a few since I came to France only knowing the words bonjour and merci... and people thought my french sounded like I was Chinese.
Going to the market buying food was always fun as I often would try to speak in my best French only for the French to politely speak back to me in English.  Strolling down the famous street Champs -Elyisee, I called it in my best Canadian accent exactly as I read it Champs Elise.

That all seems like so long ago!  But memories really do last a lifetime and I am so grateful for the time I had in Paris, the people I met, and the experiences I had.  I look back on it all and see what a beautiful gift it was.  Through the good days and the homesick days I wouldn't have changed it.  Maybe one  day Paris I will return?  But for now you are memory I will always cherish!

Me overlooking Paris.
Believe it or not but this was my toilet! Sure missed home when I saw this.

The subway system in Paris.
Me trying to buy some fruits and vegetables.

Bon appetite!!

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious !!! More fun is due when production is live and uncut . Thick or thin, I'm sure they were good. I look forward to more of these other countries. En Francais - Hilarant !!! Plus de plaisir est due lorsque la production est direct et non coupés . Épais ou mince , je suis sûr qu'ils étaient bons . Je suis impatient de plusieurs de ces autres pays .
