Thursday, December 4, 2014

Painting Furniture

On today's blog I thought I would go through step by step how to paint a piece of furniture.  This is something I really love to do!  However, getting the piece of furniture ready for painting is another story and I can't say I love the prep works that goes into this.  But I do have an amazing husband who does an amazing job prepping the furniture for me!  He actually likes it!  Go team!
So I am going to share with you the process of taking two already used stools and giving them a facelift into something much different!

Old stool about to get a facelift.

Step One: Sand the surface with fine grit sandpaper.

Step Two:  Spray the surface with spray paint.  I like to use spray paint that is self priming as well, and it is better than brushing as you won't get brushstrokes to deal with.  I find you get a much smoother finish.  Just keep in mind to use light coats, and you'll have to do at least 3-5 coats for good coverage.

Step Three:  Pick my colours!  I use acrylic paints because they are durable and will last well.  I needed to do multiple coats of each colour so that it didn't appear streaky.

Step Four:  I then begin to doodle on my stools.  Sometimes I plan something out in advance, but things seem to be better proportioned for me when I just use my stool as a blank canvas and begin doodling with my black paint pen.

Step Five:  I outline everything I have painted in my trusty black paint pen.  I love using the Molotow One4All paint pens.  I have found them to be some of the best I've used.  If any of you are interested in trying them, you can purchase them on Amazon.

Step Six:  I then seal the whole piece with Varathane.

I should mention that it isn't me that does this, but my very particular husband Steve!  Where I am weak, he is strong and vice versa!

Again more than one coat is needed.  Please allow drying time.

And Voila!  There you have it.  Two totally transformed stools!

And voila! Two totally transformed stools.

Most important step: have FUN! Is there a piece of furniture in your home that is calling out for a facelift? Go for it and enjoy the process!

Brought to you by Tricia Preston's Funtastical Studios.

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