Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Are You Committed to the Dream?

Stepping into our dreams is a thrilling ride but also scary.
One of my favourite topics to discuss lately is the dream, but not so much about the struggle to see the dream come to pass.  Today I thought I would write a bit about the reality of stepping out into your dream.  If you know me you will know that I really love to encourage people.  Particularly in their God given destinies and stepping into the dreams that lay in their hearts.  But I believe part of encouraging people in their dreams is also being real about the reality of what happens when you begin to step out.  I would love to say that when you take a step of faith and step into your dream 'voila' your dream happens over night! Perhaps this does happen to some, but this is not my experience.  I am finding that there are certain steps that I for some reason (God knows why) need to take.  So often the process is just as important as the outcome.  In the midst of all the steps and struggles to achieve the dream there are valuable lessons that I begin to learn that I probably wouldn't  otherwise.  My character is tested to new levels as I begin to see how much tenacity and determination I have or not have.  When nothing seems to happen do I still keep going?  Last night as we met with our group of fellow artists, we discussed the dreams in our heart and one thing that was mentioned was the word commitment!  I never really thought of that word in regards to my dream.  The question was proposed "am I committed to my dream"? That really is the first step when you decide to go after a dream.  It's kind of a scary step as you start to really think about what that means. You see, if there is no commitment then when things don't begin to go well or happen the way you thought, you can easily leave the dream.  I looked up what the word commitment means.

Commitment: a promise to do or give something: a promise to be loyal to someone or something: the attitude of someone who works very hard to do or to support something. 

I am a believer in keeping my word and keeping my commitments.  Even though I have not always been perfect at this it's not reason for me not to keep trying.  So I decided in my heart awhile back that I am committed to this dream of having a creative business, just as I am committed to being a wife to my husband and a mom to my children.

Proof that dreams do happen! They were once only a dream and yes they are a lot of work but so fulfilling

Proof that dreams do happen!  Our 3 kids
were once only a dream and yes are
a lot of work, but they are so fulfilling!!
So what happens when you have committed in your heart?  You begin to take steps.  For me my steps have been little ones at a time.  Given the fact that I have a young family and I believe that they need to come first before my dream, that is not say that there are not still things that I can do to position myself for the dream.  In fact I believe that my children and husband are a part of my dream.  That's the beauty of God's plan!

In reality, when taking step toward your dream you don't always know how things are going to turn out?  For me as believer and follower of Jesus each step often has me on my knees.  I am learning that I can't be so afraid of taking a wrong step. Otherwise I won't step at all,  and even in my wrong choices there is a lesson to be learned (hopefully I learn it so I don't repeat the step).  I am seeing how one step leads to another and when an opportunity comes I really need to consider it!  Sometimes what seems like a small or insufficient opportunity ends up turning into something so much more.
In the midst of stepping and going forward in the dream I'm faced with the reality of how can I do this with what I have or don't have?  Sometimes I struggle with the lack of resources I have... whether that is materials or knowledge or skill.  In reality God given dreams are designed to need others and we don't start off with everything we need.  If we had all we needed we would be living the dream right now.  It is at this point where I wrestle at times to continue.  This is where I am learning not to be defeated in what I don't have but rather begin to think about what I do have and use to achieve what I need to do.  This is where I need to make a choice to be determined to keep going.  Again for me it is about trusting in God and relying on him for his help and that as I align myself with the dream that he has given me he will align me with the things and people I need to see the dream through.  Here's the beauty of the dream... we need one another to achieve it.  So often our dream starts off being about us and what we want, but the more that I begin to step into it I see that it really is about others and what do I have that I can offer to others.

So I want to leave you today with this question: what is your dream for this season of life and are you willing to commit to it?

step by step even when the pathway is covered in fog 

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