Sunday, August 3, 2014

Steve Writes A Post: The Little Details in Life

I've been thinking about doing a post of my own for some time and today felt like a good day to do it.  I really just want to allow you into our journey from my (Steve's) perspective and how I am embracing creativity in all of this.

First thing is I need to say to everyone how proud I am of Trish!!  She's a woman of vision and big dreams and often when someone has so many ideas, it can be hard to get them started and moving along.  So this is awesome that Trish has gotten things going and I'm so excited to see where this creative journey goes for her.  I love the work she does.  It's so fun and inspiring!!  And I see how it rubs off on our kids as they love to draw and create!

For me, I get the chance to do a lot of the work behind the scenes such as all the online stuff, and things like stretching canvas, hanging the curtains, and renovating the RV (from here on called "The Champ").  I also get to help out more with the kids to free some time for Trish to create.  I'm hoping to find some time to work on some songwriting as well this summer as I love music and creating sounds.
Lucy and Daddy having some swing time!
I'm sure he's got quite the story going on in his head while he plays!

I think the one thing I really love about being up here at 'The Champ' is that I get lots of time to observe and take pictures.  I love seeing the beauty in little details of nature.  For me I love in particular looking at the sky.  Trish always says I should become a weather guy cause I'm always checking it out.   I like looking at the patterns in nature.  So I can be quite fascinated by things like the pattern of the veins in the leaves, or the colours in a flower, or the way the wind will blow and shape the clouds.  Even the way the waves at the beach make patterns in the sand.  Fascinating for me.

Intriguing shadows.

 Meet one of the huge pine trees we have here at the camp. 
The reality of living in an RV is a bit of a challenge.  Let alone being in an RV that is under renovations.  It's a small space and on the rainy days, the kids get cooped up inside and do what kids do...they fight with each other.  But most days are nice and they get outside and play and I've seen their imaginations soar here.  The fridge is small so we don't get a huge selection to choose from when it's time to eat.  (I like  But life is good, and while there are challenges, the fact is this is an interesting adventure we're on and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Anyways, I thought that I would share with you some pictures of the things I have enjoyed this summer on our journey.  I trust you'll be inspired to look at the little details around you.  Enjoy!


Hello Mr Toad! 

The beginning of something!
My half buried horse! (Well that's what it's supposed to be)

Another day of good memories made.