It seems that everywhere I go people ask for the story that is behind the character in my prints. So, by popular demand, here are the names and stories that go with each print. I should mention that I did not do this alone. Anyone who knows me knows my ability for ryhthm is nil. However, I don't completely agree! I did once win best dancer at a dance contest! Don't worry! I got my muscial husband Steve to help me with the rhymes. Yes, not only does Mr. Stevie Seamstress make curtains, he also makes rhymes as well. All of my prints are printed using good quality archival inks and paper. They are 8.5 x 11 in size and come with a little tag introducing the print. They are $20 plus shipping. Be sure to check out my Etsy page if you are at all interested in purchasing any of them. ( I am currently designing new ones with more funtastical ideas. There are a few down below if you'd like a sneak peek at what's coming down the line! So... here you go... the names of the current prints along with their stories......
The Top Of the World |
On top of the world is where I want to be
I want to be up there so that I can see
Every river, every mountain peak, every ocean, every pair of feet
Every cloud that moves and swirls
That's what I see on top of the world
The View Up Here |
Jack the explorer went to see what he could find
To his surprise he saw a rainbow floating by
With the brightest colours you ever did see
Coloured in red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, and green
The World In My Hands |
Putting on my roller skates and reaching way up high
I take hold of the world and I raise it to the sky
And as I lift the world up for young and old to see
Remember that there are great things out there for you and for me
My Fundledee Tree |
Swinging in my Fundledee tree is where I like to be
It is like no other place in the world for me
I love to sit and swing and watch the clouds float by
I love to daydream at my Fundledee tree as I look into the sky
The Treehouse |
Welcome to the treehouse where a way up on top
Sits a house for you and me, where there's fun until you drop
There's a view you can't forget, step by step climb on up
Come and see for yourself and let us show you what we've got
Shiloh Sunshine |
Meet Shiloh Sunshine, she was created to dance
She loves to twirl and spin and prance
The dance she does is one of a kind
And she says that inside of you there's a dance for you to find
Sweet As Can Be |
Meet Millie who is as sweet as can be
Her dress is lined with yummy candy
She has a bouquet of lollipops just for you
She'll tell you you're great and make you smile too
The Rose Garden |
Welcome to my garden, come on over, grab a seat
Make sure to smell the roses, they are awesome, they are sweet
They hang like chandeliers and the swing down from the leaves
You'll never be too hot, for there's always a cool breeze
Below are some of the new ideas that I've been working on. I will have these available to purchase in the near future. Enjoy!
Chanelierville |
The Watering Machine |
Garden Flower |
Wowzer Bowzer's Flight |