Thursday, December 18, 2014

Count Up the Cost

Living the dream!  Oh how good it can look on paper, on Facebook, or in a photo!  But reality is what happens before and after that photo, post, or inspirational quote.  Yikes!  When posting pictures for a blog or Facebook post I do my best to make them happy pictures!  But somedays if you could see what really happens around here while we're trying to live life, I think it would make a far more interesting post and add a little comic relief at the same time.  It kind of reminds me of the times we have taken a family vacation and you get to see all the nice photos of our time at the beach, laughing, and having fun.  But somehow the 5 hour car ride that turned into 10 hours isn't photographed, with all three kids screaming in the back seat.  It's like one meltdown triggers the next.  Well, that's how it can seem when you go after your dreams!

If someone gave you an option to take an old plough and start breaking up extremely hard soil, who would be eager to start?  It might be to some, but it's not really inviting to me at all.  However, it's easy to start strong.  You have lots of energy, a vision for this field, and picture a huge harvest coming!  So yeah let's start!!  You know it's going to be a lot of work and quite hard at times, but that doesn't stop you from starting.  But let me just say, it's after you have been ploughing for a while and you begin to grow tired,  the fact is that you can start to lose sight of how good this field is going to look when done.  You can begin to doubt it and what you once saw you begin to wonder if it really is possible?  Snapping a few pictures of yourself with a big grin on your face and a plough in your hand, you choose to keep going.  You thought for sure by now you would have had your field ploughed, but the ground is harder then you thought...actually a lot harder.  The slight breaks in the ground can bring more satisfaction to you then you ever thought possible and it's what keeps you moving forward.  But the cost you have had to pay in the meantime isn't always what you expect.  Your plough has broken numerous times because of the hardness of the soil.  You open your wallet again even though you said you're not spending another dime on this field!  Your physical body is aching in ways you've never experienced, triggered by hard work, but also the stresses of battling harsh elements.  Not every day has perfect weather!!  Doubt and disbelief seem to be nasty storm clouds hanging out over your field.  You're faced with giving up more than you even know...and for what?? A dream????  I know, it sounds so inviting!!

So why keep going?  Well, it's because a God given dream won't give up!  It's in you and as hard as it is and even the cost that happens isn't enough to stop what God has put in you to do!  Even if you take a rest and walk away, the dream is still in you, longing to be released into this world so that you can make a difference that is good.  Yes, you have the choice to keep going or to stop and it is good to count up the cost before you begin (just know you won't know all the cost up front).

So, is my field ploughed?  No!  I wish it was.  Many times I feel like, 'what I have gotten myself into?'  My dream still lives in my heart though.  So forward I go, another day at the plough, depending on the strength and help from the one who put the dream in my heart.

Here are some photos to show a parallel to how stepping into your dreams may look on the outside but may be a little different on the inside ........It's good to laugh!

Living the dream!
Still living the dream
It's a brand new Day!!!
Still a brand new day!
Me trying to dig frozen ground. The reality is it's winter and I don't walk around my backyard digging my garden up but I don't have plough for this picture.  Yes, in case your unsure... this photo is staged. Was I happy in it? UMMM somewhat I had to drag Stevie out in the cold from his warm bed to take a picture while my make-up was still fresh. And you have seen his morning look.
Stevie's big dig! He really is a good guy! Willing to have his photo taken even when he thinks it doesn't make any sense with my blog....Well Stevie it's winter and I know you don't plough in the winter but were still ploughing!

So be encouraged!  In due season you shall reap a harvest if you don't give up!!!


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